My new bike! |
Yep 40km sounds like alot eh. it's really not that bad. i basically bike around the perimeter of guelph. with my trusty bike shorts (you know you're not supposed to wear underwear under them!), my camelback water hydration system (that froze at one point) snacks in bag, map (yes), off i went. things were all going great untill i really had to pee. like bad. i was in the south end where there is nothing but houses. not even convienience stores. and i didn't think anyone would take lightly to me squatting beside thier burning bush in thier front garden. so i kept biking. i hit victoria rd. finally maybe some bush i can run off into. nope how about wide open farmer fieilds. i must note that it is difficult to bike and cross your legs at the same time. i finally found releif (thank god) at the tim hortons by lens mill. holy moly. i want to get one of those "go girl" things so i can pee standin up. i think it might be a good investment. but all in all 40km not so bad. took be about 2 hours 15 mins, including pee break. i do look f.orard to my new bike coming in. i'm getting a devinci stockholm. even got fancy dancy clipless shoes. it should come in anyday now. any day now. i hear when you switch from a mountain to a hybrid you feel like you're flying. i look forward to that. But right now i'm at home on the couch with a kidney stone. so no biking for me. hopefully this will pass quickly and i can get back at 'er.