Sunday, 29 May 2011

physics anyone?

I forgot to mention in my last post that while i was racing the rain all perpendicular wise i got hit in the eye with a blackfly. this is uncomfortable in the best situations but when i am heading down a hill at about 30km/h and a blackfly is flying at me at an average of 7.24km/h (i looked that up it's true) what is the force of impact on my eyeball? anyone? anyone?

i know i knew how to do this in highschool. but i think part of the answer is that becuase we were traveling in opposite directions i add the two speeds together to get an impact speed of 37.24km/hour.

and force is mass x acelleration and the mass of a blackfly is really small and this is where i get lost.....but hot damn it felt like i had been hit in the eye with a nail. which is not a pleasant feeling when traveling at high speeds on a bike. luckily i was able to quickly pull off to the side of the road and fish the poor little guy out. i don't think he survived the impact.

Downpours and Metaphors

So the sun finally allowed me to do some outside bikeing this weekend. yesterday my ride was cut short (aka i didn't leave enough time to finish it). because i had a concert to sing and and had eaten the wrong thing at my break and was feeling overall crappy.

but today. wow today. 75km. yeps. 75.

it's amazing the peace that i can find listening to that stubborn squeek of my one cycling shoe, avoiding stupid drivers, and watching the scenery fly. i think because so much information is going in my brain, it has a chance to calm itself and focus on only a few things. if that doesn't make sense i'll loan you my head for a day. then you'll understand.

i divided the ride into 2 equal parts so i would have a change to eat and refill my water (with powder body fuel type stuff). the first half was great. i paced two riders on fancy bikes going up gordon hill. the sun was out, no wind, no too many crazy drivers on the road, it felt great. metaphor number one came around kortright and ironwood, i saw a cute little red squirrel run out into the street, trying to get across. it made it across 3 lanes then freaked out and turned back only to get compleatly smucked by a car (poor little guy). the lesson, if you're heading in one way and things are going alright keep going, if you second guess yourself, you'll definatly learn your lesson.  so yes i know not exactly a metaphor but i'm no english major (if that already wasn't obvious).  but i made it thought the first half came home had an amazing bowl of pasta, peanut butter and bbq sauce (which i have decided is now my new favourite pre and mid workout meal)  and set back out on my bike.

now mind you i did check the weather. i looked at the radar and saw that big line of red coming directly towards us. i thought i had enough time to make it home before it hit. second metaphor (which again may not even be a metaphor) you can not outrun a storm by running perpendicular to it. which is what i was trying to do. so yes i got soaked. i was at the boathouse (about 5 mins from home) when the sky opened up. i got soaked.  metaphor number three. sometimes gettting stuck in a storm is inevitable, it's best to breathe, and keep on moving, cause the storm will pass.

and look pictures!

A boi and his bike (and his giant beard)

My calf muscles!

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Fundraising fundraising!

So this wet weather is getting me down. the sun was starting to peak out today so I turned my errand run ride into a easy 20km. wow it felt good to get outside again. Jillian micheals workout dvds are awesome but not the same fun as biking around alot. and my new saddle is a-may-zing to say the least.

but this post is about fundraising. getting you to donate your hard earned money to this amazing cause. Well the pot just got sweeter my freinds. For every 100 dollars raised over the 2200 minimum amount i will donate 20 of my own hard earned dollars to the AIDS Committee of Guelph and Wellinton County. You heard me for every 100 over I donate 20. so if I raise a total of 3500 the ACG gets (hold on a sec i need to go grab my calculator) 260 dollars. amazing! check out all the amazing things that ACG does here.

So reach in your pocket, or backpack, or purse, or manpurse, or whatever you carry your money around in look at what you got. think of your situation, think of what you have, then give what you can. Buy a coffee at work everyday say at 2 bucks a cup. skip your coffee for a week (or make it at home) voila 10 bucks you can donate. easy peasy.

fundraising deadline is june 30th. sponsor me now by clicking the link on the right hand side of the page that says "click to donate".

if you have already sponsored me. I cannot thank you enough.
much love everyone

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Say Yes to the Dress

We couldn't just ride our bikes to Montreal. There must be dressing up included. There must be. One of the days, the shortest ride day (around 50km), is Red Dress Day. Many of the riders don red dresses and costumes for the ride into Kingston.
I've haven't really been looking for a dress yet but yesterday when Christine and I were at VV i had a look. there were many fabulous options. but the most amazing dress was there and thank the lord it fit perfectly. i had it draped over me admiring it and this woman walked by me looked me up and down and said "very nice." in a semi sarcastic way. I smiled at her and said thanks. not the response she was looking for i think.  so the great unveiling. drum roll!
The front. SOOO Cute (cat not included as part of dress)

The back...and my enormous pipes

I can honestly say i have never been so excited about a dress before. i love that it has pokadots and looks like an apron. And has lace. it's really fricken cute. like really. y'all should be jealous

65km! or Going Commando

So I suck at blogging. Maybe from now on expect blogs to come in large batches potentially days after the events in the blog actually happen. Good? good. now on with the blogging.

So i biked 65km. all in one go. holy crapoli. it was a while ago it feels like and it also feels like a while since i've been out to bike. although i am on my bike every day pretty much doing errands going to the farm. randomly biking around. but i havn't been out for a good ride in over a week. partly due to weather partly due to my bike being in the shop.

I'm getting a better bike seat put on and a tune up. The bike seat i got with the bike is nice and soft, which sounds nice but trust me it's not. when you're bike seat is too soft, after a certain distance of you butt sinking into the seat, circulation to your butt cheek and leg gets cut off not so good when you're relying on your legs to move you. so i'm getting a firmer seat put on.

while my bike is in the shop i've been riding around my old beater, tank. man i love that bike. it's heavy as all hell and has more rust than paint but it fits so nice. but the one thing i did notice riding the seat. my new bike has one of those fancy seats with the hole cut out for your bits (you know the ones i'm talking about). tank's seat does not.  how i miss that little cut out bit. oh my do i miss it.

on similar bits related notes, i finally did what i was told and didn't wear underwear under my bike shorts. i was hesitant to do this at first, the shorts have this nice cushy (read absorbant), padding around your bum and bits. i felt weird not having undies on. but i was told commando is the way to go. it cuts down on chafing nad improves general comfort, ya see your undies absorb all that sweaty goodness and because they are cotton, they hold on to it rather than wicking it away from your skin. to mich information i know. but this is important. so yes for my 65km i went commando. what a dream! wooeee i shoulda done that sooner. feels so good you would not imagine. i suggest that everyone go commando for a day. 

but yes 65km done! next 75km. here i come. once the rain stops....