Monday 6 June 2011

back in the saddle!

so i've been sick. for 4 days. and not a good sick either. the sick that makes you not want to eat anything, casue everything turns your stomache.  after breakfast last monday i felt a little wierd. but kept on with my day thinking i had something wierd and that it would work it's way out, and it did untill the next morning. i ate 1/2 my breakfast then crashed on the couch, and there i remained for the next 4 days. surviving on sports drink and the odd cracker and honey. what a kick to the training. doing all the biking requires lots of eating, around 2300 calories a day, for someone of my size and activity level. and when for 4 days i have less than 200 a day. not so good. my brain function was way down, balance and coordination where almost non-exisitant. aweful. but then friday afternoon it was like someone flipped a switch. i felt like eating. christine wnet and got me some squishy bread for toast (bless her) and i made some toast and didn't feel gross looking at it. i ate it then made another one. i havn't stopped eating since. so today i takle 90km. i'll be doing about 25 just in errands i need to run but will do another 65 for fun.  i've broken it into 2 loops a hilly and a (hopefully) flat route. so off we go!

bike safe everyone. wear your f'n helmut.

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