Sunday, 12 June 2011

Market Madness!

Yesterday morning, Christine and I woke up at 5:30am gathered all our posters, flyers, fancy dontation buckets, and my bike trainer loaded it onto my bike trailer (found on the side of the road last year by a good freind, in the process of being fixed up by me) and went to market. the weather forcast had made a drastic change form the night before (surprise surpise) so rain was not expected but all our stuff was already waterproofed because our booth was outside. Our booth was right between the lovely folks at Drumlin Organic Farm, and The Dairy Boards promotional booth (complete with fake milkable cow for the kids!). It was a little out of the way but still had lots of traffic by it. So there we set me up on the bike trainer, christine as my lovely assistant. and there i biked. and biked. and biked. i started biking at 7 and kept going untill market was over, stopping only for the odd pee break and leg stretch/bum rest. people came up and asked questions, commented on how i was going "nowhere fast" (oh haha hadn't heard that one before!),  many a bewhildered child stopped to try and figure out why  wasn't moving, and people reached into thier pockets and droped some coins in our buckets. freinds came up to talk, strangers wished my luck on my ride and told me i was doing a great thing. it was amazing and inspiring. the ability of people to open thier hearts and open thier wallets to a cause inspires me to keep fundraising and keep biking.  By the end of the day, my bum was sore and i was tired but still smiling. And over the course of that 5 hours i raised just over $280. Amazing!

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