hello again! so if you were reading along last year as i was training you'll know that i has some issues around peeing. the issue not being that i wet myself (although i came close), or that i didn't pee, but that i had to pee alot. like every 1/2 hour. and as lovely as guelph is there are not so many areas that one can sneak discretely off to water a tree, if you catch my drift. lots of open feilds, and well in town, not really an option. i found this on the rally last year too. i'd bike by the lucky individuals who are pulled off to the side of the road, neatly tucked into the fenceline, peeing to thier hearts delight. while i, with floating back teeth, pray for a mcdonalds to come up soon. if you havn't figured it out i'm not one of those who can pee while standing.
so this year i thought i'd see how i could fix or improve my "situation". luckily some genius folks have come up with these amazing little devices. STPs they're called. or stand to pee. unfortunatly these same awesome folks have decided that the only incedibally descrete colours they should be available purple, hot pink, bright blue, green (why i don't know), orange etc. and they're not exactly small either. the makers of diva cup just came out with one called the "pstyle" (awesome name). you can buy a pouch that clips on your belt to store it in. things gatta be 8 inches long. oh but i do recommend the video. the girl is really cute the "go girl" available in (pink or camo!?) fits into a film canister. not bad. another is a "shewee" (where do they come up with the names) which comes in colours like "desert sand" and "nato green". and of all the companies i mentioned only the pstyle actually mentions trans folks on thier site. so i just ordered one of these puppies (not it's not actually a puppy) it's called a sne-kee. again not a fan of the name but better than shewee for sure. made in canada, folds flat and small, more descrete colours. and relativly inexpensive. hey if it means i can pee when i need to rather than where it's possible that's worth it. so should arrive in the mail in a few days and we'll see how it goes from there. ok now i really think i've reached the to much information point yes? yes.
in other news i just got my bike back from it's spring tune up. and after going for a hike tomorrow might go for a wee spin. see how 40km feels.
and thank you all for your donations. you are my heros.
happy biking! wear your helmet!
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