So tonight i'm getting all my stuff in order for Tri-Pride this weekend. Shining up my bicycle, making sure my trainer still functions (i did after all find abaondoned in the basement of the farmhouse, and that is THE creepiest basement i have ever ventured into, but i digress..) getting all my posters and jars and all ready to set up at tripride and cycle my little buns off hoping to get people to drop a little spare change in my jar.
How did i get so lucky as to get a table at Tri-Pride you ask. Well it actually started at Guelph Pride Dance, one of the organizers of tri-pride came over to me and we gots ta chatting and he wanted to help me raise some more money. so this lovely man has been getting me contacts at tri-pride and put my name in for a complementary community table. SOLA (the southern ontario leather assosiation) bought a few community tables that they then donated to causes/groups who might not otherwise be able to afford to table there. So this lovely man at tri-pride got me a free table to fundraise from.
You see this is another reason i do this ride. it contstantly reminds me of the amazingly good nature of people. people I don't even know wish me good luck and empty their pockets into my donation bucket. people i barely know go out of their way to help me raise doantions. makes me think back to the ride last year, where along the route, there would be people, just random people on the street, stopped to watch all the bikes go by, and they clap, they clap and cheer for all of us riding our way to montreal. they have no idea who we are or what we're doing, but still they clap, they smile as we ride by, they feel the strength and the love that is embodied in this ride. this is why i ride. your support, and the support of people i don't even know keeps my legs spinning, long after i've compleatly lost feeling in them.
so if you're out and about kitchener city hall on saturday. have look for me on my trainer. come say hi and bring me water and carbs. also as a side note the rainbow chorus will be singing on the mainstage! come sing along!
lots of love to you all.
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