so saturday i rode 50 km. sunday was still beautiful and i wanted to get out on my new bike more so decided to do antoher ride. this time only 43km. i went later on in the afternoon. and if you can think back to last weekend it was windy. holy cow was it windy. blowing right from the east. biking down willow was biking right into a headwind. it was brutal. i had to pedal going down hills to keep moving. on more than one occasion i was brought to a full hault by a gust of wind. i made it out to 32 and turned the corner, now the wind was blowing side on, and hard. i had to tilt my bike about 25 degrees into the wind to keep from beeing blown over. that was a full body workout for sure. i see the wisdom of racing position. less wind resistance = good thing. but i did it. i was wind blown and tired but i did it. i hope july isn't windy...
but i think i need to readjust my saddle. new bike. new seat, kinda not right. i think my butt is too small for it, but it might jsut need shifted further to the back. i'll see what the folks at bits and bikes say.
i'm also realising how wonderully meditiative biking is. i'm the kinda person where i always have multiple things going on in my head at once. slowing things down and clearing my head is really difficult for me to do. but when i bike things go quiet. maybe because i'm spending alot of brain trying to to get hit by cars and avoiding the many many bike eating potholes i don't have the space to think about other things. but the constant motion of my legs and the world passing by is calming.
one wildlife spotting. a white throated sparrow. and lots of beer bottles and cans. i think my next ride i'm gunna take my paniers and plastic bags and make myself some money! (to donate to the ride of course)
peace and bicycle grease.
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