Tuesday, 5 April 2011

More planning required

So I am an organized person. At least i like to think so, and because of this i tend to over plan things. focus alot on little details and sometimes end up missing out on big details. At my last training ride (45km) i didn't plan where to pee. i'm amazed at how many times i had to pee during this training ride. alot like 3 times in 2 hours. 1 stop was well planned, the second stop was lucky (thank you oots volunteers for being at your shift!) and the third was a mad scramble.

Back to the beginning, so i got a kidney stone. yuck. i highly recommend not getting one. not super fun. but after a few days of intense agony i feel fine now. so of course i went for a ride. 40km wasn't so bad so i upped it to 45km and with my awesome bike shorts it was great. it was a beautiful day. light wind, sunny skies warm enough that i had to stop and take off my touque. and lots of wildlife spotting, on my way out the west end of town i disturbed anumber of horned larks hanging out by the side of the road. i spotted a deer bounding into the woods, lots of chickadees and crows and the usual feathered buddies, at one point a turkey vulture swooped in and hovered maybe 20 ft above my head. maybe trying to decide if i was dead or not? i got a great look at it though. i'm a getting more practiced at birding and biking and haven't run into any parked cars or trees in a while. in the south end a red tailed hawk was perched on a tree beside the road.  on my way down victoria i saw a coyote dead in the ditch. i was very tempted to stop and take a closer look but i was getting near needing a pee break, to treked on.

but yes peeing. so i planned my first pee stop at the food basics in the south end. was a nice stoppping point about 45 mins into my ride. i could stop pee, eat my apple watch the people lined up at the starbucks drive trough... stop number two was at out on the shelf. which i was betting on being open on for the sunday shift.  stop number 3 was supposed to be the goodwill at the north of town, turns out they don't have a public washroom and the little old lady was very unhelpful in suggesting where the next nearest washroom was. so i detoured to value village, again with legs crossed. but the good news was i was hydrated. how did i know you ask? well my pee was clear. yours should be too. if it's not you're dehydrated. drink more. water that is.

so for next trip need to plan: more food, pee breaks, remember to wrte right and left on the correct hand.

fundraising is going i'm almost at $900! amazing you folks are amazing. thank you again for your support i have some fun ideas brewing on how to get to my goal.  hopefully they will be shared shortly.

good news my new bike should actually be on its way, i stopped in today and they said for sure a few days this time. with the weather warming up i'm gettting even more excited to get out to ride.

want to know how i know how far i've gone. well i start with a  map and a peice of string with the kms marked off on it then trace potential routes that way to get a rough estimate of distace then i come and plug the route into http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/ which i find more user freindly than mapmyride or bikely, but the bummer is you can't alter your route once you've made it. i still like the map and peice of sting method the best.

happy riding. i hope you're dusting off your bike too (especially after that gas price hike woah), and thank you again for your support.

1 comment:

  1. So many nature sightings! It makes me want to start cycling again (I haven't since I was a teenager). Great blog! Keep us posted.
