Friday, 10 February 2012

day 4 and 5 blur, and day 6

So  i don't remember alot about day 4 and 5. they were mostly a blur of biking eating biking and was really pretty. i remember that and at the end of day 5 there was a candlelit ceremony that was quite moving.
day 6 we crossed the border to quebec.
My and some of my team doing the celebratory photo at the border
then we started on our way towards montreal. it was a nice ride. in kingston they said "it's all downhill from here" they lied. but the last day was super nice and flat. then getting into montreal was a trip! we all met at a certain spot so we could bike into montreal en masse. we totally took over the waterfront bike lanes. and for some reason the police escort didn't happen like it did in toronto and we got stuck at stopsign and stoplight after stoplight. we basicly walked into downtown montreal. kinda anticlimactic. but we kept our spirits up by doing the wave and singing. then we arrive at our final destination. and lucky for me my love is just stepping out of the bus terminal as i pull up. i start to cry the moment i see her. ah love. so we get some free beer compliments of montreal pride and do lots of hugging and congratulating. then christine and i treck off to find our hotel. you see i won a free stay at the W hotel. which is a way swankier hotel than i would ever be able to afford. you walk into the place and you think you're in a fancy dance club. dimmed lights dance music the whole bit. our room is awesome. king sized bed and a shower that you can see into from the bed! woo! we go out for dinner and drinks with my teammates then head back for the night. we were heading to biodome the next day and i was exausted. and my parents were going to arrive the next day to start our vacation out east. 

Over all it was an amazing and inspring ride. I was able to push myself physically harder than i have in a long time, was able to expand my comfort zone immesely, i got a really awesome bike short tan, i met amazing people, and to top it all off you helped my raise 3600 for an amazing cause, and 280 for a local amazing cause.
Me, My love, and my giant beard at the finish line
So that's it for last year. i'll try to get those videos up. but getting pictures on here is a huge accomplishment for me, so it might take a bit.

Now onto this year. Big Dreams, Big Goals, Smaller Beard! click the sponsor me link on the side bar to go to my sponsorship page.

and this year i'll try to be more on top of this blogging thing

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