Friday, 10 February 2012

The ride day 2

so day 2!
Not a good sky colour for biking
we awoke in the middle of the night to a thunderstorm. Thankfully i have a good tent (unlike some of my more unfortunate fellow riders) and getting wet was not an issue, but the lovely tree i had parked my tent under (so i wouldn't get cooked out of my tent by the morning sun) was the one and only topic of my thoughts as the storm raged on. We had to delay our start be a few hours because there was so much lightning. Bikes and lightning are not a good combo. So they have a look at weather maps, the weather has passed we're good to go. We take off and after rideing for a while, me and one other rider are riding along some sort of escarpment, you can see a long way and all you can see is big dark clouds. i mention casually that i think it might be coming our way. so silly us we try to out bike it. that never really works i figure. we got drentched. but it was awesome. tear jerker number 1 came in the middle of the downpour (no lightning) we;re biking out in the middle of no where and parked on the side of the road is a van, outside the van under umbrellas and in raincoats are the members of a local PFLAG rining bells and cheering for every rider. needless to say i started to cry. it was awesome. by lunch the rain had stopped but we were all soaking. i had mostly dried off by the time we pulled into camp but my shoes, oh they were wet. it wasn't so bad, the old newspapers in the shoe trick worked wonders. again the campsite was awesome and the food amazing. i swear that food crew deserves a medal. one thing i do need to remember for this year is earplugs. i have no idea how people have the energy to party after cycling for 110 km.

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